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The "Smiling Oak" receives you and they give the welcome to you.
Good is your stay, puts down the burden of worries and anguish, you take your time for that desires.... to sleep the mind and the body ................. breathe.
It leaves you to go, watches sweet is to feel the silence.
To the departure it puts aside the memory of the departed days, strong roots it possesses the oak, strong it is the bond that you will find in these places among the blue of the sky and the green of the woods on the mountains where everything is away harmony and the seasons slow badminton..
The oak greets yourself and smiles, every time that you will want, summer and winter, will find here forever her.
hello we wait for to you soon, in the "TERRE degli EQUI"
"La Quercia che ride" (Smiling Oak) Località Grottelle Camerata Nuova (RM)
Tel. 338 4652940 - Fax. 178 220 7503 - Email:
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Location information: Latitude = 42.011789 Longitude = 13.102849
Ultimo aggiornamento (Lunedì 20 Gennaio 2025 14:03)
La Quercia che Ride is closed
Monti Simbruini - Camerata Nuova - laquerciacheride@ippoagri.it.
La Quercia che Ride by Nardi